3000 sq.m

of conference space


organised events

300 000


Atrium Lubelskiego Centrum Konferencyjnego przedstawione w perspektywie rybiego oka.

Take a virtual tour of our venue

The virtual tour will give you a sense of all our rooms. As you explore, you’ll see their exact details and layouts, helping you choose the perfect space for your event.

Explore our venue and request availability now!

Oświetlony budynek Lubelskiego Centrum Konferencyjnego nocą. Lewa, przeszklona część w kolorze fioletu. Logo i banery LCK. Na dachu flaga biało czerwona.


Discover the layout of the Lublin Conference Centre and find the space perfectly suited to your event. Learn more about room layouts and available amenities.

Spektakl "Zakochane w Polsce". Akrobatka na scenie wykonująca pokaz. W tle stoją kobiety. Na pierwszym planie osoby na widowni tyłem.


A key mission of the Lublin Conference Centre is to build business and academic relationships with other organisations through collaborative projects and initiatives.


LCK has received a prestigious distinction at the Meetings Star Awards, winning in the category of conference centers (up to 1,000 people).

Our partners

  • Logo LKPS Lublin
  • Logo "Lubelskie Smakuj życie"
  • Logo AZS Lublin
  • Logo MKS Lublin.
  • Logo Centrum Spotkania Kultur w Lublinie
  • Logo: Opera Lubelska